What I Am Telling My Children Before They Sign Up For College That I Wish Someone Had Told Me!

College is not for everyone and you do not have to take out loans if you plan accordinly!

Is College Right For You?

Submit your email below to take the College or Not training for FREE!

  • Get access to 8 videos with just over 1-hour of training
  • Identify and clarify the reason(s) why you want to go to college
  • Determine if college is necessary for you using a simple 3-step process
  • Better understand the purpose of college
  • Find out what it takes to succeed in college
  • Explore other options if college is not right for you
  • Understand the school love hate relationship
  • Make sense of the dollars and cents of attending college
  • Decide if college is worth the investment
  • See how to reduce potential student loan debt by $25,000 or more before you enroll

Learn From My Experience

I want you to avoid taking out loans if you do not have too! There are other options.

If you choose to attend university, at least you can reduce your debt!

Submit your email below to take the College or Not training for FREE!


Student Loan Debt (Spring 2023 - Washington Post)

4M+ Graduates

Associates through PHD (2023 - Thinkimpact)


Median B.S./B.A. Salary (Forbes)